The Gate Lodge includes a Far Infrared Sauna in your private quiet relaxation space inside the cottage. You’ll be amazed by the positive effects infrared can have on your health. Far infrared heat is healthy heat!
This sauna increases the circulation in the body, which in turn helps improve overall body function. The far infrared waves penetrate the body to a depth of 1.5 to 2 inches, providing soothing relief for aches, pains and tension.
Far infrared waves safely penetrate the skin and body temperature, providing a source of heat without causing any harmful effects to the skin.
Far infrared heat is so safe it is often used by hospital nurseries to provide warmth for newborn babies.
Saunas can help relieve:
- Asthma
- Nervous Tension
- Arthritis
- High Blood Pressure
- Bronchitis
- Rheumatism
- Sports Injuries
- Common Cold
- Migraine Headaches
- Muscle Pain
- Influenza
What The Experts Say
“The Far Infrared Sauna is the safest, most efficient and economical way of eliminating stored toxins, making it a household necessity. I am convinced that the Far Infrared Sauna is something that everyone should incorporate into their lifestyle to restore health. The Far Infrared Sauna is far safer and more tolerable than a conventional sauna because it uses a heat energy that penetrates into tissues, triggering mobilization of chemicals from fat storage, directly into the sweat.”
(Sherry A. Rogers, M.D. Centre for Environmental Medicine)
It has become well known that people who take regular saunas (2 to 3 per week) reduce their incidence of colds and influenza by over 65% (concluded a study by the British Medical Association).
While many people use saunas primarily for relaxation and stress reduction, the other health benefits are increasing the popularity of saunas. The reduction and removal of body toxins through the sweating process is becoming a highly regarded benefit of the sauna.
Hundreds of years ago, people discovered and turned to heat therapy as a source of natural healing for many illnesses and discomforts. Far Infrared saunas are growing in popularity and are naturally rising to the top of health regime requirements.
Pamper Your Skin
Your skin is your body’s largest organ, so taking good care of it is important! Time spent in your sauna will help improve the look, feel and overall health of your skin. The perspiration that takes place in your sauna helps remove harmful toxins deep in your pores, while increased blood circulation brings fresh nutrients to the surface. This process of removing toxins from the skin helps relieve eczema, acne and other skin disorders. You will be thanking your Sauna for your healthy, radiant, glowing skin!
Toxins like sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide, lead and mercury are absorbed into our bodies on a daily basis through diet and environment. This causes our bodies to run inefficiently and develop weakened immune systems.
Using our far infrared sauna increases skin, causing sweat and oils to be secreted from the body. At the same time, the harmful toxins that are dissolved in these sweat and oils are secreted as well.
By cleansing your body of toxins, you can help relieve a variety of symptoms and diseases, including :
- Depression
- Stress
- Heart Disease
- Digestive Disorders
- Asthma
- Allergies
- High Cholesterol
- Muscle Pain
- Anxiety
- Headaches
- Acne
- Joint Stiffness
Weight Loss
Spending just 30 minutes in a sauna can burn up to 600 calories, making time in your sauna a simple and effective weight loss tool. All those calories are burned in the perspiration process. Fluid that is lost can be replaced by drinking water, but the calories burned will not be replaced! Compare burning up to 600 calories in a 30 minute sauna session to these other physical activities:
How does regular use of the sauna reduce cellulite?
European beauty specialists regularly incorporate sessions in programmes to reduce cellulite. Because the radiant infrared heat penetrates three times as deeply as conventional saunas, it is significantly more effective at breaking down hard to move cellulite and promoting a more youthful, beautiful complexion.
Stress Relief
Immerse yourself in up to 140°F of soothing heat and you will feel instant relaxation. Stress and tension melt away as you bask in the warmth of your Sauna. Whether you choose to listen to your favourite tunes or quietly take in a book, the interior reading lights and the cottage sound system will help take your relaxation to the next level.
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